BOE Candidate Night Recap

Note: Questions were submitted no later than October 4th and were screened. The following are the selected questions. See the full video.

Full Video

Nicole Cowley – Michelle Marinuzzi – David Zimbler

Q1: Why are running for the board of education? If elected, what are your priorities?
Q2: Is there a particular issue that motivated you to want to serve on the BOE?
Q3: What particular experience or skills have prepared you to server on the board? What differentiates you from the other candidates?
Q4: What is a school board member’s role and responsibilities? How does that role differ from the superintendent and administration?
Q5: What attributes and behaviors are essential for school board members?
Q6: What is the best way to address differences of opinion on the board or between the board and the administration?
Q7: How can the BOE best communicate with its constituent groups?
Q8: What issues do you believe your district needs to address in the academic programs and offerings? What changes would you recommend?
Q9: What are your thoughts on your school district’s programs for special education students, English language learners, and gifted students?
Q10: How would you handle a conflict if a situation arose that effected yourself or your child personally?
Q11: New Candidate: What are your thoughts on the current budget?
Q11: Re-election Candidate: What are you most proud of in terms of the budget from your term and how has it impacted the school?

PTO Sponsors Board of Education Candidate Night

Missed the zoom meeting? No worries, watch here:

Open for all Residents of Northvale. Message below is from the Northvale PTO

We would like to inform you that the Northvale PTO will be hosting a Zoom Candidate’s Night on Monday, October 25th at 7 PM with the Board of Education candidates.

The Zoom information for the Candidate’s Night is as follows:

Topic: Northvale Public School BOE Candidate’s Night
Time: Oct 25, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 813 1819 0952
Passcode: 747633

The Candidate’s Night will run as follows:
A previous email was sent out with a request for questions for the BOE candidates. The deadline to submit questions was Monday, October 4th. The questions were screened and a reasonable number of questions were selected. No questions will be taken from the audience on the night of the event; only the moderator and the BOE candidates will speak during the Candidate’s Night. Questions will be answered in a rotating cycle by the candidates.

Please review the New Jersey School Board Code of Ethics prior to Candidate’s Night, which may provide a better understanding of the role of the Board of Education.

I will uphold and enforce all laws, state board rules and regulations, and court orders pertaining to schools. Desired changes should be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures.

I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and will seek to develop and maintain public schools which meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability, race, creed, sex, or social standing.

I will confine my board action to policy making, planning and appraisal, and I will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted those who will be affected by them.

I will carry out my responsibility, not to administer the schools, but together with my fellow board members, to see that they are well run.

I will recognize that authority rests with the board of education and will make no personal promises nor take any private action which may compromise the board.

I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends.

I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools which, if disclosed, would needlessly injure individuals or the schools. But, in all other matters, I will provide accurate information and, in concert with my fellow board members, interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its schools.

I will vote to appoint the best qualified personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer.

I will support and protect school personnel in proper performance of their duties.

I will refer all complaints to the chief administrative officer and will act on such complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative solution.

The PTO Board truly believes this will be a great opportunity for the Northvale community to hear from each of the candidates and we hope you will join us on Monday evening to hear from all of the candidates.


The Northvale PTO

Building/Planning Mtg May 19th 2021

Click for the Agenda

A 40 unit proposal is on the docket for approval. This has been in the works since the original permit was denied, as early as December 2020.

When: 7:30PM
How to join:
Borough Hall or
Zoom Meeting link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 453 996 0939
Password: 4Qz3LR

Phone in number: 1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 453 996 0939
Telephone Password: 785974

Senate and Assembly Candidates for District 37

Announcing Candidates for District 37 Senate and Assembly

Michael W Koontz has stepped up to run for D37 Senate.Perley V Patrick and Edward P Durfee Jr have stepped up to run for D37 Assembly.

We need your signatures for our petitions.  Due to Covid, electronic signatures are being accepted.

Please share with registered Republican family and friends in District 37:
Alpine, Bogota, Cresskill, Englewood, Englewood Cliffs, Fort Lee, Hackensack, Leonia, Northvale, Palisades Park, Rockleigh, Teaneck and Tenafly

Please click EACH link below to start the process.  Enter your name, email and click BEGIN SIGNING.  You will then need to accept electronic signing, then enter your name and address and click FINISH to send your petition.

If you require any assistance, contact

Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Thank you to all that have already signed and sent the petitions.

Northvale Public School BOE Meeting Mar 18 2021

Topic: BOE Preliminary Budget Hearing
Meeting Time: Mar 18, 2021 06:30PM
Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 938 1561 8117
Passcode: 27D5Ur
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,93815618117#,,,,,,0#,,566191# US (New York)

No Agenda posted as of Mar 17 2021 11:30PM