Ann and Edward Are Asking, Who is the Man Behind the Curtain??

Do Northvale residents have a voice in their town government when Mayor Marana and Councilman Argiro are working closely with a non-elected resident to run our town. From the Democrat’s own flyer: John M. Hogan has worked closely with Mayor Pat Marana to improve our community. The flyer lists John M. Hogan’s name on top of all the Council’s accomplishments.

Frankly, if you are an elected councilman in Northvale, aren’t you annoyed John M. Hogan is taking credit for your hard work?

Former Councilman Roy Sokoloski Endorsement

From former Councilman Roy Sokoloski

Dear Northvale Neighbors and Friends,

The last three years in Northvale government have been a financial disaster. We all know the  Democratic administration continues to blow the budget resulting in a 6.2% tax increase in 2018, another 6.5% tax increase in 2019 and now another 6.2% in 2020.  When do the increases stop? What will happen to our tax bill in 2021?

The Democratic candidates continue to tout all they have done for Northvale. They talk about a “financial disaster” from the “former administration”.  That former administration is the same Democratic council members that created the disaster, including Mr. Argiro running for re-election.   They have been sitting in positions of power for a decade, while recklessly spending our hard-earned tax dollars. They state all the budget cuts they have already made, but we still have tax increases that break the state mandated 2 percent cap. And don’t be fooled.   Young Mr. Hogan is NOT a current member of the town council, so he has NOT done any of the so-called “accomplishments” that they claim. 

It is time for a new approach from reasonable conservative minds who will ensure a steady and prosperous future for Northvale. Ann Singer and Edward Durfee are two energetic citizens who have already committed their lives and their families to improving Northvale. They have raised their children in our community and Edward’s grandchildren are attending our local schools. They care deeply about Northvale’s future, about your future. They will vote to cut spending in order to save our great community from the reckless spending and unaffordable taxation.

I strongly urge you to cast your vote for a new team on the Northvale Council. Please vote for Ann Singer and Edward Durfee for Northvale Council. We can be proud, that they are willing to sacrifice their personal time to work for all of us. Vote Column 1. Thank you.


Roy Sokoloski, AIA

Councilman Joseph McGuire Endorsement

This year I am endorsing Ann Singer and Edward Durfee for the Northvale Council. Ann and Edward are two good family-oriented people with tremendous life experience that will benefit the Council and Borough. Edward’s history as an IT Consultant is something that is very appropriate currently as the Borough begins a technology upgrade. His expertise in that area is extremely beneficial. Ann’s experience as an Aviation Mechanic shows that she is not afraid to get on the front lines and put the work in that is necessary for success. Both Ann and Edward are committed to being active members of the Council.  They will work with us, and the Mayor, to maintain the character of Northvale, be good fiscal stewards, increase communications with residents and do what is right for Northvale. Please join me in voting for Ann and Edward.

Councilman Joseph McGuire

The Campaign Begins

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First and foremost we wish to thank all who attended our reception. Your presence made the event a success.

Now the campaign begins. The campaign signs are in. Please let us know if you would like one dropped off or come on by 215 Livingston St.

Door-hangars are printed and we are working on our copy for our mailing. We are looking forward to meeting you and your neighbors as we walk the town to introduce ourselves and present our solutions to the overspending and perpetual taxation that we are experiencing.

Joe and Pete need our help to break the logjam that exists on our council. We need you to talk to your neighbors about the issues of continual taxation and lack of transparency that we are experiencing. We need you to inform them about what is going on and get them excited to engage the issues.

We need your financial support as well. Campaigns have costs and we have expenses to purchase signs, postage and mailings. Fundraisers will be at a minimum this year.

So a special thanks to those that have been supporting our efforts.

Please consider what you can to help us get through this year. Once we get onboard, we can lower our tax burden and save all some money.

Please mail your checks, made out to the Northvale Republican Committee, to the address below. Creditcards are accepted on our webpage.

Northvale Republican Committee
215 Livingston St
Northvale, NJ 07647

Working For Northvale,

Ann Singer

Edward Durfee