Bergen County Pension Woes

The dire straits of Bergen County and the out of control spending is coming home to roost. JP Morgan, as reported by Zero Hedge, has ranked the most egregious of out of control spenders. Well what do you know, third from the bottom is “A-Rated” Bergen County.

JP Morgan ranked every major city in the United States based on what percentage of their annual budgets are required just to fund interest payments on debt, pension contributions and other post retirement benefits.

The results are staggering. To our great ‘shock’, Chicago residents win the award of “most screwed” with over 60% of their tax dollars going to fund debt and pension payments. Meanwhile, there are a dozen municipalities where over 50% of their annual budgets are used just to fund the maintenance cost of past expenditures.

For Bergen County that means that (if you review the chart) Bergen County (3rd line from the bottom)  will have to raise taxes 13% and employee contributions or increase workers contributions to 500%.

Of course they could cut spending by 17% – but who reading this actually believes that would happen?


So, are you ready to stop the out of control Democratically controlled, Bergen County Freeholders.  The time is now.

Be sure to VOTE for freeholder

Driscoll and Cottiers

in November.