Importance of County Committee

Many people wish they could be involved and help foster positive change in their community, but don’t know how.

They hope that someone who is in the right position of leadership will promote awareness of political actions that are in harmony with the Bill of Rights and warn against those that are not.

Did you ever consider that person could be you, if you, were voted into the County Committee?

So, just what is County Committee? County Committee is comprised of persons whom are members of the major ruling Political Parties, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, here in New Jersey.

The Committee Structure is formed by New Jersey Public Law Title 19:5-3.

“The members of the county committees of political parties shall be elected at the primary for the general election in the manner provided in this Title for the selection of party candidates to be voted for at the general election by voters of a municipality at such intervals as shall be provided in the bylaws of the county committee. The county committee shall consist of one male and one female member from each unit of representation in the county. The male receiving the highest number of votes among the male candidates and the female receiving the highest number of votes among the female candidates shall be declared elected.”

Each town is divided into voting districts or precincts. Each of these is represented by a male and a female duly elected at the primary. The term is two years.

County Committeepersons are the “point persons” for the local party. First and foremost, they make up the local party clubs and encourage other like-minded neighbors to get involved.

  • They are tasked with getting to know the voters in their district
  • Learning the local issues and discussing solutions
  • They are the eyes and ears for the Local, County, State and even Federal candidates
  • They bring the party and/or candidates message to their neighbors and engage them to partake in the political process
  • They bring their neighbors message to the Local and County committees by attending the meetings and engaging the gathered Committepersons
  • They attend the Municipal Club meeting and the County Committee meeting

County Committeepersons have direct influence over Party platform, policies and selection of candidates. They participate in the caucus leading up to and including the selection of the primary and engage other Committeepersons on the issues and the values that the candidates should be addressing. All of which they learn from interacting with their neighbors.

The County Committee person is the voice of his or her community and brings that voice to the County Committee Convention and caucus.

Why can’t that person be you?!