2021 Campaign

Northvale Community
As we see our neighboring communities hold events such as Town Days, Farmers Markets, Color Runs and have the ability to perform basic functions through municipal websites doesn’t it make you ask “Why not Northvale?” That’s what we ask. We want to focus on fostering a greater community feel for our Borough and work to bring back the events that bring us together and the technology to keep us moving forward.

One-Party Rule
Northvale has a healthy cross-section of voters from both the Democrat and Republican parties as well as a significant population that is not affiliated with either major party. Joe and Kara winning these two council seats in 2021 is vital for Northvale’s council to have representation from both parties and not descend into the group-think that one-party rule brings.

A common complaint among residents, is the lack of transparency and accessibility to town information. The world has changed dramatically over the last 30 years and in particular within the last year and a half. Northvale has not kept up with these changes and has relied on antiquated means of communication. The Borough needs to be more forth coming with information and communicating with residents in a timely manner.

Fiscal Health
To preserve our long-term fiscal health and avoid the types of financial crises that we just experienced, Northvale requires better and more proactive budget planning. For too long we have been reactive in managing budget-to-budget and doing what is necessary to get by. We employ a part-time CFO who is in charge of the Borough’s finances. We are calling for a full-time financial professional to work for the Borough and proactively manage finances and plan for future budgets. Believing this is not necessary has cost Northvale’s hard working taxpayers far too much money managing crises. The Mayor and Council are not full-time, certified financial professionals. A full-time professional’s attention is required.

Northvale has fallen behind in the utilization of technology to run the Borough. Whether it is providing real time streaming of Council meetings or providing online service applications via the Borough website, Northvale needs to make basic improvements that are more in-line with how residents conduct business with most organizations in a technology reliant society.

We do not believe it is right or ethical for professionals employed by the Borough, or their relatives, to contribute to Borough candidates seeking office or their political parties. We support a pay-to-play ordinance like the ones enacted by several municipalities in Bergen County as well as the County itself.

Preserving Northvale
While the Council does not play a direct role in the activities of the Planning and Zoning Board, we believe that people and families who call Northvale home, do so for a variety of reasons: the small town look and feel, the community built among neighbors, the safety provided by the police department, the educational opportunities, etc. We are not in favor of dramatically changing the community through zoning exceptions and changes. We love Northvale and wish to preserve its character for generations.